WATCH: Global Landscapes Forum video invite

Plantations International Headlines

The teaming up partners of the International Landscapes Discussion forum 2015 welcome you to join all of them as well as discover why this is actually all connected. Watch Watch Achim Steiner, Helen Clark, Sign Burrows, Paula Caballero, Andrew Steer, Jeremy Bird, Peter Holmgren and Debora Bossio.
Video recording welcomes from implementing partners

: the Institute to use Advanced Sustainability Researches e.V., Globe Agroforestry Center, FAO, International Facility to use Biosaline Agriculture(ICBA)as well as CATIE on part of the Organization of International R & d Centers for Farming(AIRCA), Youth in Landscapes Project, IFPRI, The Mother nature Management, EcoAgriculture Allies, Tebtebba and IUCN. Plantations International The article WATCH: Global Landscapes Forum

video recording invite seemed to begin with

on Plantations International. Plantations International

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