Plantations International Teams up with Instiper University

Plantations International is very pleased to announce that through its fully owned Indonesian subsidiary PT Gaharu Kapita Indonesia has signed a 20 year collaboration agreement with the Instiper Agricultural Institute in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Instiper is one of the leading agricultural universities in Indonesia and together with Plantations International has created the “Center for Gaharu Excellence”. The first stage of the collaboration agreement will see the planting of 25,000 Aquilaria trees on land provided by Plantations International In Ponjong, Yogyakarta.

The Plantations International Aquilaria tree after becoming infected by a certain type of fungus creates a resin called Gaharu or Agarwood as it is known in western cultures. After the Plantations International tree is harvested, the gaharu resin is distilled to produce an oil called OUD. OUD oil is key ingredient in some of the world’s most luxurious and expensive fragrances. High grade OUD oil has been known to sell for over US$10,000 a liter, giving it the nickname of Liquid Gold.

Through the Center for Gaharu Excellence, both Plantations International and Instiper have committed to creating the highest quality OUD oil in Indonesia for the export market. Both parties have also agreed to share their cumulative knowledge with local farmers to help them achieve sustainability and financial independence.

For further information, please contact:

Mr. Marvin Lee
Director of Communications
Plantations International Limited

Office: +852 5808 3775

About Plantations International

Plantations International is a multinational plantation and farm management company whose specialty is in providing sustainable agricultural and forestry management services for its clients. From the pre-conceptual planning stages to harvesting and marketing the final products, Plantations International strives to go the extra mile to exceed its clients’ expectations. We put teamwork, innovation and our passion for creating “ethical & sustainable capital” at the heart of everything we do..


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